July 10, 2010


The Joy of Wildflower Honey

Did you know that there are close to 3000 varieties of honey across the globe with almost 300 of those in the US?

What are the differences and what makes one better than the other?

Providing an exhaustive answer to that question is beyond the time I have to write this blog entry. However, here is a quick and dirty answer to that question. For every variety of nectar producing flower, honeybees can usually produce honey from that source. If that flower is the predominant nectar source in the area, then honey from that location can be described as "whatever blossom/flower honey". For example, bees housed near an orange grove will most likely produce orange blossom honey; placed near lavender and they will produce lavender honey. If the primary nectar source is a mix of flowers, it is simply called "wildflower honey".

Now, with a change in flower type comes a change in flavor. Buckwheat honey is dark with a rich molasses flavor. Sourwood honey is golden with a lightly sweet flavor while cotton blossom honey is nearly clear and is very light in flavor.

OK ... we kinda know the differences in honey, but what makes one better than another?

The answer to that question is subjective; varying by personal opinion and intended use.

Bakers tend to like the darker honeys for bread because they often have a stronger flavor. If you're looking for medicinal honey (for topical application), you may opt for Manuka honey from New Zealand. If you want a citrus-flavored honey, Italian lemon blossom and limeflower honeys are really good.

Having said that, the best "general purpose" honey is wildflower honey ... the Bezingy wildflower honey.

It can be used in teas, on bread, as a topping for figs and cheese or consumed directly from the jar. It's a versatile honey that enhances foods without imparting an overpowering taste that masks the natural flavor of a drink or dish.

Now go ahead and enjoy some Bezingy wildflower honey today! Supplies are limited!

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